The postgraduate students in the Nutrition Society will be challenged to present their research in just three minutes. As part of the upcoming Postgraduate Conference, a Thesis-in-Three competition will be held on 22 June. Students must distil their niche subjects and intensive research into small three-slide presentations.

The rules are simple. Maximum of three slides are permitted and each slide must be static (i.e no transitions, animations or “movements” of any description are allowed). No additional electronic media is allowed (i.e. sound or video files). The presentation must provide an understanding of the background to the research question being addressed and its significance. Presentations which do not follow these guidelines will not be accepted. Priority will be given to students not competing in the main conference postgraduate competition. Prizes will be awarded for 1st (€500), 2nd (€300), and 3rd (€200). To submit your presentation, complete the form below.

Deadline: 7 June 17.00 (BST)

*Please be aware that when you submit your presentation your details will be shared with the Irish judging panel.

Your supervisor will be notified when your abstract has been submitted in this form.
Please ensure you upload a presentation that contains no more than 3 slides
Upload requirements