Blaxter Award

Blaxter Award

The Nutrition Society’s Blaxter Award is named after Sir Kenneth Blaxter FRS PRSE, who was a leading figure in the field of energy metabolism and animal nutrition during the second half of the last Century.  He was President of the Society from 1974 - 1977 and Director of the Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland, from 1965 - 1982.

The award will be awarded to scientists within the area of Whole Body Metabolism and Animal Nutrition


  • All scientists within the area of Whole Body Metabolism and Animal Nutrition are eligible to apply or be nominated for this Senior Award.
  • Candidates will have made a major contribution to either, or both, of these fields.
  • The Award is open to members of the Nutrition Society and to scientists in the UK and Ireland in closely allied fields who are not members.
  • There is no upper age limit. 

How to apply: 

Candidates should submit:

1. Nomination/Application Letter: a one-page letter of nomination, or application,outlining the candidate’s case. 
2. Curriculum Vitae: a full CV including a detailed publication list and citations of the applicant’s work as well as any other relevant information.
3. Key Publications: copy (in pdf format) of five key publications

The nomination/application letter, CV and five key publications should preferably be submitted as a single PDF.

  • 2025 - Professor D. Joe Millward, University of Surrey, UK, for his research on 'Dietary protein, growth and adult maintenance of muscle mass within the Protein-stat model of control of the lean body mass'.
  • 2021 - Professor Ilias Kyriazakis FRCVS, FGAgA, Queen's University Belfast, UK, for his research on 'Starving for nutrients: reconciling the paradox of anorexia during infection'.
  • 2018 - Professor Keith N.Frayn, University of Oxford, for his research 'Turning over our fat stores: the key to metabolic health'.


If you have any queries or would like to find out more, please contact the Society's Events Officer at [email protected]