The Nutrition Society Julie Wallace Lecture, in memory of Professor Julie Wallace and her sustained commitment to supporting and promoting early career researchers, is an award that recognises early stage scientific excellence in the field of nutrition. 

The Nutrition Society are pleased to announce the judges have selected a winning applicant; Dr Mario Siervo from University of Newcastle.  Dr Siervo was awarded the Nutrition Society Julie Wallace Lecture 2017 for his research entitled ‘Dietary nitrate and cardio-metabolic health in humans: Is ageing an effect modifier?’. 

All candidates are required to be within six years of higher degree graduation were invited to apply for the award.  Applicants were judged by a panel of distinguished nutritionists from a variety of institutions and areas of expertise.  Judging was based on the quality of academic publications the applicant had been published or affiliated with; evidence of the research funding received; evidence of external recognition in contributions to conferences and professional Societies; and evidence of external collaborations.

Congratulations to Dr Mario Siervo!

Image: 2017 Julie Wallace Lecture winner, Dr Mario Siervo